Anderson Family Register & Hull & Wife Will

Anderson Family Register & Hull & Wife Will
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Pictured here is the family register and the will of Hull and wife, Cherry Anderson. According to the family register of Hull Anderson (pictured here), he was born in 1784. His wife, Cherry was born in North Carolina in 1793. The births and marriages of their children are also recorded here. Included is the last will and testament of Hull and Cherry Anderson, dated June 23, 1851. Their properties were left to the children of their son, Henry Anderson: Martha Ann Hull Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, and Amos Anderson. Martha received the dwelling house, Elizabeth was to receive the coffee farm adjoining Daniel Johnston Farm, and Amos Anderson was to receive 12 acres adjoining James Bantone Farm. The will stated that all properties were to remain in the family as long as there were heirs. Since Hull and Cherry Anderson were living in the Republic of Liberia at the time, this will contains the seal of that country.
